iou 發表於 16-3-2008 11:26:58

我想學番英文 有無人指教下介紹

今年18啦 英文一個都唔識 除左26個字母
想學唔知點學起 甫習 右唔知點搵 因為一個都唔識

Timothy 發表於 16-3-2008 20:20:23

u should say this in english

牙凍=] 發表於 16-3-2008 20:40:43

lawrence1234 發表於 17-3-2008 09:49:13

You can go to some centre to learn english........

Nicholas7 發表於 17-3-2008 14:05:13

read English book and consult the dictionary .
learn 5or10 words every day .

`Lok-) 發表於 17-3-2008 19:41:06

Timothy 發表於 19-3-2008 23:27:44

i can teach you english for HKD100/hr:lol

lawrence1234 發表於 20-3-2008 17:26:05

You can read books that are easy first. (1hours-5hours a day) (The book has about 50-150pages)
Then, in a about 2 years time, you can read some difficult books. (2hours-5hours a day) (The book has about 150-800pages)

lemmp999 發表於 21-3-2008 16:29:42

read the english book and listen english book

Timothy 發表於 22-3-2008 00:32:51

原帖由 lemmp999 於 21-3-2008 16:29 發表
read the english book and listen english book
how to listen english book
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